A cat purrs loudly because:
- It is in a happy mood, or in a relaxed environment and wants to communicate contentment.
- Your cat is injured. The vibrations help soothe pain, heal wounds and regenerate their bones.
- A mother cat purrs to its newborn kittens to lead them to food and warmth.
Many cat owners wonder why their pets make that distinctive noise called a purr, as it rubs against them. This article explains why your cat purrs loudly, and what you can do if the loud purring is disrupting your peace.
From meows to yowls, cat vocalizations are what define our furry friends. But one domestic sound that is wrapped up in mystery is loud purring. We may wonder why they do it, how they do it, and if it’s all about happiness or there are other meanings to it.
Are you worried because your pet’s purring has become too loud?
That little ‘motor’ in your cat may elicit different reactions. Other pet owners may be amused by this sound, while others assume that their cat has crossed its boundaries. I find the purring of my cat very peaceful, as it curls up on my lap.
Get ready to explore with me the different reasons why your cat is purring loudly, and why punishment is an ineffective method to discourage the behavior.
Although you might never understand what your kitty is trying to tell you with a purr, we can use the information from animal experts, and the situations surrounding the purring, to understand the situation.
It Is normal For a Cat to Purr Loudly
The fact that your cat is purring loudly does not necessarily mean there is something wrong. Your cat could be in a jovial mood, and wants to show you how content it is.
Normally, a cat’s loud purring is associated with comfort, contentment, and happiness. If your cat purrs loudly but appears to be in a relaxed state, there is no need to worry.
You should only be concerned if the loud purring is accompanied by other signs of discomfort such as standing aloof, as this might be an indication that something is wrong. Check with your vet to identify the problem.
A Cat Purr is Like a Smile

Think about the different reasons we smile. It could be because we are happy to see a friend, or we are nervous when meeting someone for the first time.
These same reasons ignite a cat’s purr. It could be that your cat is happy, it wants to tell you something, (the need to fill its bowl), or worried about a strange environment.
1. Your cat is happier than usual
Does your cat’s purring get louder when you hold it? Purring is often a sign of contentment and it means your cat is in a happy mood.
When your cat is relaxing on your lap, its eyes half-closed and curled up its tail against its body, we can conclude it feels pleased to be in a secure place.
If your kitty encounters its new favorite food, its purr will be louder than normal. Another situation that can bring happiness to your cat, is when you rescue it from a dangerous place, and bring it to the warmth and security of a home.
2. Your cat purrs to seek attention

You are more likely to hear your cat purr when you cuddle, or stroke it under the chin. Your cat can come to you when seeking love and attention, and when you respond by holding it, then the loud purring is how your cat rewards you.
When a cat wants something from you, it will purr louder than usual. It may be calling to your attention that you have not fed it. In a normal situation, your cat’s purr frequencies range from 25 to 150 Hz.
However, one study showed that when cats were trying to get their owners to feed them, the purr frequency shot up to 520Hz. Surely as a cat owner, it would be hard to ignore such loud purring.
3. Kittens and their mothers purr to stay safe
Since kittens are born deaf and blind, the only means of communication between them and their mothers is through purring. Kittens feel vibrations, and these soft purrs from mama cat guide them to food and warmth.
Kittens purr to their moms when they are nursing to show contentment. And their mother responds by purring to assure them of comfort and safety. Kittens learn to purr when they are 2 days old.
Kitties purr while kneading their mother’s side as they suckle. Kneading helps the kitty to stimulate its mother’s milk production, and the kitty purrs to indicate it is happy.
Adult cats retain this behavior when they purr as a sign of pleasure.
4. Purring indicates your cat is hurt
On rare occasions, a cat will purr to soothe itself when it is in pain. Research has shown that purring helps a cat get better.
Loud purring is a source of self-comfort for your cat when in a painful situation. Another cat owner said that her female cat purred through her entire labor period, up to the delivery of her kittens. This soft sound your cat makes results in a series of vibrations in its body that helps it to:
- Ease breathing.
- Reduce pain.
- Heal wounds and bones.
5. Purring depends on your cat’s personality
Sometimes the intensity of purring is just a matter of cat personality. Some cats will purr louder than others.
While some cats’ purr will be loud they can be heard from another room, you will have to press your ear close to other cats to hear them purr.
The Siamese cat is a cat breed that has such loud vocalizations, that its purr has been described as a truck rumbling by! On the other hand, breeds such as the Bengal cat, and the Persian are much less vocal and may purr quietly.
6. Cats purr for exercise
Cats can sleep for about 16 hours a day and this helps them conserve their energy. Purring is a form of low-impact exercise for your kitty, to help you stimulate its muscles and bones without any extra effort.
Cat Purring Loud at Night

If your cat curls up beside you on the bed and purrs loudly, this shows that it feels comfortable and would not mind sending you off to sleep. If your cat is the kind that purrs loudly, , the experience might not be so amusing.
Well, there is nothing much we can do to control how our feline friends purr. They have their volume settings.
What you can do
The first option you have is to send your cat outside your bedroom. Alternatively, you can try to put your cat to sleep quickly. It will rarely purr when asleep, and even if it does, it will be much quieter.
Engage your kitty in some exercise before sleep time. Chase games are a good idea because they will wear your cat out, and increases its chances of sleeping early due to fatigue.
You can also feed it a modest meal after the play session.
Why Your Cat Purrs Then Bites You
As cat owners, we are all too familiar with the situation. You are petting your cat as it purrs and all of a sudden, without warning, it bites you. A lot of people may feel offended by this action, but there is always a cause for this reaction.
1. You switched to a different activity that it doesn’t like
It could be that your cat was enjoying the head pats, and you suddenly started to tickle it in a sensitive area such as its tummy. According to cat behaviorists Pam Johnson-Bennet, your cat does not like to be touched in an area where its vital organs are located.
That is why the typical response when its belly is touched is to spring into defensive mode, and scratch or bite you. It’s not a hateful action; just a natural protection reflex.
2. Your cat is overstimulated
The most common reason for these sudden bites and scratches from your cat is overstimulation. This could mean your play sessions have excited your cat so much, that it has gotten to the point where it feels so good.
The cat may feel that it has had enough, and wants to take a break from the petting. Biting you is a way of telling you to “stop.”
Don’t Punish Your Cat Because of Loud Purring
Even if you think your pet has stepped out of line, never punish your cat physically, or through scolding. This will likely make your feline friend afraid of you, and reluctant to approach you.
Avoid actions that scare your kitty, such as yelling or hitting it. As we have seen, most of the time purring is associated with affection and contentment. This means there is no need for punishment. Once you know what your cat is trying to communicate, you can respond well. If it is hungry, fill its bowl. What if your kitty is simply expressing affection? Respond by giving it a gentle rub.
