What cats think when we kiss them:
Cats may think kissing is a weird way of humans showing affection, as theydon’t understand kissing the same way humans do.
Don’t kiss your cat on the lips for health reasons. Alternative ways to show your cat affection are giving it a body massage, playing with it, and giving treats.
Some cats understand human kisses as a way of their owners showing affection. They may like it when you kiss them while others just seem to tolerate the action.
In case you are wondering what your cat thinks when you kiss them, this article will explain it all. Keep reading to know if cats love kisses.
Cats React to Kisses Differently
Each cat has a unique personality. According to some cat owners, some of their felines are ready to come up to them for a kiss.
In the same household, another cat may not enjoy its owner kissing it. But that does not mean they don’t like the owner showing them affection.
The cat may prefer other forms of bonding with their owner such as rubbing its head against their owner’s feet and snuggling in beside them as they watch TV.
Your cat’s personality is mainly shaped by its past experiences. If it came from a home where there was a lot of handling, it will have become accustomed to a lot of comfortable attention. If your cat was not properly socialized as a kitten and hasn’t had exposure, a kiss may piss it off.
Your cat may perceive a kiss as a sign of affection, but sometimes just a peck on the head or a pat on the back can do the trick. The most important thing is to never make a move that your cat does not approve of.
In some cases, the cat may just ignore your kisses and wipe that area with their paws.
How to Know if Your Cat Likes Kisses
You want to show love to your cat and if you think the best way to do that is through kissing it. They may like it, or not depending on your cat’s personality.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that the way humans understand kissing isn’t the way your cat does.
If you observe two cats that get along, they don’t kiss, but show each other affection through grooming, rubbing their heads against each other, and hooking their tails and rubbing them together.
But if you are fortunate enough to own a cat that does like kissing, you will notice from the way it reacts.
If your cat leans towards you, purrs, and rubs its body against you, then your cat likes kisses and understands you are showing it affection.
If it’s the type of feline that doesn’t like kisses, when you try to do it, their ears will fall back, they’ll swish their tail back and forth, and move away from you. This is a sure sign that your cat is irritated and not in the mood for a smooch, so stop kissing it immediately.
Don’t Kiss Your Cat on the Lips

Kissing your cat in the lips can be too just of an invasion of space. Besides, cats carry bacteria and parasites in their mouths which can be transmitted through contact with their saliva.
Your cat is a predator and eats insects and animals that may harbor diseases. If you really must kiss your furry friend, a peck on the head is just as affectionate, and carries less chance of disease transmission.
While we are still on the topic, there is a group of people who are at most risk from close contact with cats:
- Very young children.
- Pregnant women.
- People with a compromised immune.
Warn children and other household members not to kiss your cat on the lips for the above reasons.
You also should never kiss a cat you don’t know well. A strange cat may not tolerate you kissing it. The cat could turn aggressive, and hurt you in the process.
Keep your cat’s vaccinations up to date, wash your hands regularly after cat handling, and only kiss your cat when it is calm and relaxed. Of course, on its head and not on the lips.
Alternative Ways to Express Affection to Your Cat
Now that we have established kissing your cat may not be such a good idea, here are alternative ways you can express your love to your cat:
1. Body massage

Body massages allow you to bond with your cat. Use a soft brush or your hands to gently massage your cat on its back.
Your pet will surely love these body massages, which makes them feel relaxed, and creates a good feeling for you too.
Remember that cats spend a lot of time after waking up grooming themselves. A body massage keeps your cat clean, and also serves as a bonding session.
2. Play with them
Every cat has their favorite game, and the only way to find out which one is your cat’s favorite is to play with them various games. Some cats love to chase shiny balls, others love puzzles with treats inside.
Interactive games increase the bond you share, and can even help a shy cat be confident.
3. Provide a great scratching post
Cats need to scratch to sharpen their claws, stretch their bodies, and mark territory. It makes them emotionally and physically healthy. Provide your cat with a great scratching post to help it fulfill this need.
Choose a post with a sisal fabric as it provides a great scratching substrate. It is a gift that our cat truly cherishes.
How Cats Show Love
Kissing may not be the best way to show love to your cat because it’s a gesture that felines don’t use.
Once you understand how cats show love, you will be better equipped to reciprocate the love in a way that your cat understands, other than kissing.
Cats use body language to show love to their human owners. Even though your cat may not kiss you, (because they don’t understand the definition of the action), it has its special affection signals, which are:
1. Slow blinks
If you have ever seen your cat looking at you and slowly closing its eyes, it’s showing you how important you are. The gesture can also be referred to as a “cat kiss.”
The action is a major sign of trust. Just imagine; your furry friend is willing to shut its eyes in front of you, confident that you can’t do anything to harm it.
2. Tail up high
Cats use their tails to communicate a variety of emotions. Their tail is your cat’s emotional barometer. You have probably seen your cat’s tail shooting straight up into the sky, and slightly shaking at the top when it sees you come back from work.
This gesture means your furball is delighted to see you and wants to spend some time with you.
Some cats accompany the tail-up high gesture by rubbing their heads against their owner’s feet. It’s also common for cats to do this when you are about to serve their favorite meal.
If you see your cat twining its tail around your legs, it is expressing emotional attachment to you. The tail can also be upright with a slight curve at the top. This is called the happy tail dance.
3. Head butting

Headbutting is a form of greeting among felines of the same colony they trust and feel safe with. It is also an invitation for socialization.
If your cat rubs its cheeks against your chin, it may be saying that “I love you.”
Headbutting is also a way of your cat depositing its scent on you. Cats have scent glands located on their heads, among other parts, and rubbing its cheeks against you, it is marking ownership and also mixing its scent with yours.
4. Grooming
As a cat owner, you have most probably experienced your furry friend’s rough tongue against your skin. Grooming, or if you want to say licking, is a gesture that cats who are connected and close show each other.
Mother cats groom their kittens to show them love, make them feel relaxed, and teach them how to groom. Licking is a behavior that shows trust and builds community scent.
Grooming is not a habit reserved just for feline buddies. Your cat may groom you to display affection and mingle its scent with you.
5. Following you everywhere
Some say it is a sign of cat imprint, and others just assume their feline is seeking attention. Nonetheless, your cat following you everywhere is a definite sign that you are its favorite human.
Your cat loves hanging around you because it has an affinity for you. It will choose to sit next to you as you relax on the sofa, or take a nap near your lap.
It is not just because your cat wants food. Your furry friend may follow you from room to room because they feel connected to you.
6. Purring
We all know purring to be a sign of contentment from our cats, especially after a sumptuous meal or an exciting game session.
Your cat purrs when around you to show that it is happy to spend time with you. Purring may also be accompanied by kneading on you.