When a cat chooses you as its favorite person, it will imprint on you. Cats leave their imprints on people and pets that satisfy their needs and treat them with love and affection.
Your cat leaves its imprint on you by licking, head butting, or kneading you. Other indications of a cat imprint are eye to eye contact, holding your gaze and then slowly blinking, rubbing against your legs, or gently nipping you. Cats tend to imprint only one person in their household.
This article will explore how a cat imprints its favorite person and why cats leave an imprint on people.
Seven Signs of Your Cat’s Imprint on You
1. It Grooms You
Grooming is an integral part of your feline’s social interaction, not only with other cats but with humans. Your cat will groom you because it considers you a member of its family.
Cats groom themselves naturally, but they also groom littermates, and mother cats groom their kittens. The grooming entails soft licks with the tongue, almost like the tongue is a comb. Your cat may lick your feet or hands, just like it would lick itself or a sibling to remove dust from its fur.
It may feel strange to be licked by your cat, but do not kick it or push it away. The licking forms a social connection with you, indicating that your cat completely trusts you. Usually, a cat only licks you when feeling relaxed and content.
When your cat chooses you to lick and groom, it announces that you are its preferred individual in the household.
2. It Headbutts You
There you are, minding your business when your cat comes straight at you and rams its head into your body. It is usually a gentle headbutt like your cat is trying to nudge you.
The headbutt not only imprints you but is a non-verbal way that your cat tries to get your attention, and it is equivalent to saying hello or showing you that it loves you.
As your cat headbutts you, it also tends to rub its face into you, leaving pheromones on you.
The pheromones tell other cats that you are spoken for. Pheromones are odorless chemicals released from a cat’s special glands, and only other felines can perceive them.
3. It Kneads You
If you watch a kitten with its mother, you will notice that the little one kneads its mom when ready to breastfeed. It will similarly knead you not to get milk from you, but because it is happy and content. In the process of kneading you, as demonstrated in this video, your cat leaves its imprint in the form of its scent.
A cat has scent glands in its paws which deposit scent markers and warn other cats off.
Some cats retract their claws while kneading, and others don’t. A kneading cat uses its paws and pushes them up and down, alternating left to right on your thigh or other parts of your body. The motion is similar to how you knead dough when baking.
My cat Sophia kneads me as she settles down into a comfortable position next to me to take a nap. Also, when I am petting her, she may knead me from time to time.
Your cat may knead you to alleviate stress and become calm in some cases.
4. It Rubs Against Your Feet
Your cat will rub against your feet, leaving a pheromone imprint on you that marks you as its territory. The special glands that secrete pheromones can be found all over a cat’s body from the tail to the back, face, paws, chin, cheeks, ears, and forehead.
At first, it may seem like your cat is just bumping into your legs or trying to get your attention.
However, your cat may be rubbing upon you for pleasure or to bond with you. This gesture transfers pheromones onto you, leaving an imprint of your cat on you.
5. It Makes Eye Contact
A cat may look at you to observe you or acknowledge your presence. However, if your cat has imprinted on you, it gives you long gazes with slow blinks, indicating its bond to you like this. That long, soft, slow-blink gaze is equivalent to saying, “Hey you, I love you.”
You may notice the slow blinks when petting the cat, especially around the head. The blink indicates that your cat likes you petting it.
Try blinking back just as slowly and see what happens. Usually, the cat will match you in the slow blink communication.
6. It Follows You Everywhere
If your cat follows you everywhere, it leaves its imprint around you by its scent, indicating that you are its person. Any other feline coming into its territory will smell its scent around you and keep off or get in trouble.
The scent glands on the paws leave your feline’s scent all around you as it follows you, marking you as its territory. Your cat wants to be near you and is protective of you, so leaving its scent imprint around you is a warning that keeps intruders away.
7. It Is Vocal With You
When your cat purrs as it is next to you or while you are holding it, it is like a cat’s grin. It is secure in knowing that you love it and it is safe.
As a result, your cat can relax and snuggle next to you because it has its imprint on you. It has chosen you as its favorite person, and it has imprinted you by doing so.
Your cat may also meow or trill to communicate with you. Cats that are vocal with their parents know that their humans will understand their verbal cues and respond accordingly.
Why Cats Imprint One Person
It may be living in a multi-human household and have the affection of everyone in the house, but a cat will single out one favorite person and imprint them.
The reason for that is simple.
Cats get attached and bond with the person that pampers them the most. The more affectionate you are with a cat, the more it reciprocates the affection and views you as a member of its family. It starts considering you a human mother and will act as it would towards its feline mother.
Cats respond to your treatment of them. If you are aloof, shove it away, hit it, and don’t like to cuddle or pet your cat, it may not interact physically with you. As a result, your cat may not trust you and can run away.
How to Bond With Your Cat So They Imprint on You
If you are getting a cat or want your current cat to form a strong bond with you and imprint on you, then here are a few tips to get the ball rolling:
a. Make Time to Play
Cats enjoy playtime with their human pals. Making time for focused play is essential in growing your bond, and it offers the opportunity to get to know what your cat likes and invest time and effort in that.
Set aside 10 minutes, twice or thrice a day, to play with your cat and make it part of your daily routine. If you are working, play in the morning before you head to work and in the evening when you get home. Ten minutes is enough time for play so that your cat is happy to have you back home, and for you, this time is not a chore.
If you are too tired to play, consider other forms of interaction during those ten minutes, including petting or just holding your cat.
Consider teaching your cat a trick and turning that process into playtime. There is more interaction with your cat, which bonds you together more.
b. Offer Your Cat Treats
Cats love treats. When you offer them one, you open the door to more affection. Your feline associates a treat from you as an indication of your love.
It will not forget where the treat came from and will seek you out if it is in the mood for a snack or nibbles.
The simplicity of offering food or treats appeals to your cat’s fundamental needs: It needs to eat so it will bond with the person that feeds it.
Make it a fun time to discover what your cat likes to eat. When you nail your cat’s favorite treat, you can use it as a reward for good behavior.
c. Do Not Crowd Your Cat
You may be enthusiastic about bonding with your cat, but you also need to give it some space to nap and explore without you hovering around. Create a space where your cat can find alone time but still see much of what is going on in the room.
Cats are more private and solo creatures compared to dogs. So, they need space and will bond better with you if you allow them to enjoy some alone time.
d. Do Not Be Rough With Your Cat
If you pet your cat the wrong way, it will let you know by hissing, growling, or nipping at you. Do not rough up your cat as you would do with a dog.
Cats respond to gentle, long strokes along the body, on the forehead, around the face and ears, and the neck. Do not pet your cat on the stomach or tail.
You can tell that your cat is uncomfortable with your petting from the stiffening of its body, growling, or hissing.
Stop the petting immediately if you see these signs. If you don’t stop, you are taking the enjoyment out of the petting for your cat.
If you want to share a bond with a cat and get that much-treasured imprint, consider cats that have the following qualities:
- Affectionate
- Loyal
- Playful
- Intelligent
- Cuddly
Cat Breeds That Are Likely to Imprint You Easily
Not all cat breeds are easily affectionate. We have featured cat breeds that are most affectionate on our list to make your bonding journey easier if you wish for a pet cat to imprint you.
Maine Coon
This cat breed is referred to as America’s cat because it originated in the state of Maine in the U.S.
Maine coons have a reputation of being very affectionate and loving to cuddle. With the right bond and a relationship that builds trust, a Maine coon will imprint you as it seeks to get close to you.
Because of their patient and loving nature, they enjoy being held, petted, and scratched. The person who shows them the most affection and love becomes an established member of the cat’s tribe.
Maine coons display their affection for you in numerous ways, including rubbing themselves against you, making eye contact, and being very vocal. You will have plenty of opportunities to cuddle and talk to a Maine coon.
This breed of cat is reputed to be loyal and lovable. Ragdolls love to follow their human everywhere they go and greet you at the door when you come in.
Ragdolls are considered intelligent cats that can even play games like fetch and are exceptional companions. They are devoted once they make a bond with you while still being super friendly with other members of your household.
You may find it easier to build a bond with a ragdoll because they crave your attention, so they are available to play and interact with. As a result of the growing bond, they soon imprint on you, claiming you as their person.
If you are looking for a cat that likes to play and frolic yet is intelligent and emotionally available, the ragdoll is your choice.
Scottish Fold
The appearance of Scottish folds is cute and cuddly due to the folded ears and lush fur.
Many people love their looks, and the bonus is these cats’ affectionate and social personalities. Scottish folds are so people-centric that they do not like to be left alone.
Carrying them around and holding them allows the bond to grow between you two, and in the process, you get imprinted.
However, it needs a lot of attention, so if you are out of the house for long periods and leave it alone, your Scottish fold will be a miserable kitty. If you get a Scottish fold, you should have plenty of time to dedicate to it to nurture the relationship.
Scottish folds are indoor cats and homebodies with very chatty personalities.
The Sphynx is a hairless breed that is playful and affectionate. They are reputed to be a very loving breed of cat.
Because they lack hair, they quickly lose heat. So, a Sphynx will cuddle up next to you to enjoy the heat from your body. That gives you plenty of opportunities to build a bond with your sphynx, and imprinting is easy.
The Sphynx craves human attention and makes an excellent pet for someone looking for a friendly and loving cat. Despite its serious look due to the folds on its face, this cat is super playful, acrobatic, and loves silly antics, yet it is highly intelligent.
A Sphynx is happy to be in a cuddle or embrace with the right owner. You are likely to find your sphynx in your bed as it seeks your warmth. It feels calm and loves the companionship and security your bed provides.
A Persian cat is a popular breed in North America. With its lush fur and seemingly lazy disposition, it’s the subject of a lot of human petting.
The good news is that these cats love to reciprocate the affection that you show them. So when you cuddle and pet your Persian cat, it responds by purring and imprinting on you.
You will notice that your Persian cat is not very energetic, and it loves to lounge and hang out next to you or on your lap. That gives you plenty of opportunities to cuddle it and build your bond.
Give your Persian cat plenty of ear scratches and pet it with gentle hand strokes, and it will claim you as its person.
The Siamese breed is popular worldwide because it has striking features and an affectionate personality. This cat breed is brilliant and can learn new tricks, making it a fun companion.
It loves attention and is very vocal, so you must be prepared to play and talk to your cat quite often as a Siamese parent. As you spend time with your cat and play with it, the Siamese grows in its affection.
It recognizes you as its friend, provider, and protector. It reciprocates your love with an imprint.
But you should be ready for the demanding nature of this breed that needs human companionship and is not afraid to ask for it. If you ignore your Siamese cat, it may act out bad behavior like tearing up stuff.
If you live alone or travel away from home, getting yourself a Siamese cat may not be a good idea.
Don’t Take Your Cat for Granted
Having a cat imprint is usually a mark of privilege, and you should look upon it as a privilege to be loved by such a wonderful pet. It shows that your pet sees you as kind, trustworthy, loving, and a member of its family.
Please do not take it for granted that you will get a cat imprint on you. You have to earn it, and it comes after proving yourself to your feline.
Cats are considered fickle creatures, but their habit of imprinting on you says otherwise. They are aware of who is for and against them, and cats are intelligent enough to imprint the person who has their best interests at heart.
Don’t we do the same thing as human beings?
Writer: Mercy Nandika Amatieku